Conversation Between Unknownangel and Dodie16

148 Visitor Messages

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  1. True, but it can be my school band march in the peraid, full marching uni formers. for two miles it hot weather.....and thats just band, but its can be really fun at times...
  2. Wow! You are busy! Wish I was that involved in activities. Might make me have something to actually talk about with people. xD Ah well... Maybe one of these days I'll find something that interests me enough to stick with for a while.
  3. Wow, I'm more busy then you are! I got girls camp for church, going to Navoo in Illinois USA for church, tennis camp, soccer camp, vocation with family, work for school, ect......-_-
  4. Good luck on your exams! And nah. The only thing I'm doing is watching some television and checking out the forums for a bit. Nothing else really planned out for me. I live the day as it comes to me, I suppose.
  5. Yah but I got exams still tomorrow and on Wednesday, oh well... Do you have any thing plan?
  6. I'm doing alright. Nothing to complain about really. Pretty much just taking it easy. Thanks for asking. You're on summer break now, right? I hope you have some fun!
  7. By the way how are you?
  8. to.-_-
  9. I'm so sorry to hear that... Hope things turn out better for you soon.
  10. To be frank not really...
  11. Yeah, it has been a while. Hope you've been doing alright.
  12. Hey it been a while.
  13. I'm trying to find what are the top ten best tennis racket brand....-_-
  14. I'm doing alright. Nothing too special going on though, so not much else to say.

    How are you? Everything okay on your end of the world?
  15. Hey hows it goin?
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