Conversation Between HUNK and Judge Magistrate

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yo man, what's up?
  2. Hmm, I'll have to find a map of the 100 floor pathway. Too bad I didn't know that though, I found the Wild Rose down there. (And I had firion in my team, it was epic. )
  3. Only if you beat the labyrinth completely. I think there are like 100 levels to it or somewhere around their.
  4. Farthest I got in labyrinth was the galleria of speed. (I think it's like stage 70 somthing) I could only keep the equipment that had the little symbols on them. Is there a way to keep all of it?
  5. Well, the only way to get really good equipment is to do the arena. It says in the guide that the higher you get the better weapons you get. I haven't seen it yet even though I'm pretty far, but that doesn't mean it's ot there.
  6. Yeah I'm not too great with Gilgamesh. I like the character alot so I keep trying but I still suck with him. -.- I can't fight feral chaos simply because I can't seem to get good equipment. Since they don't let you keep your original. I have to work my way back up. (It's taking time though)
  7. I've played with everyone at least once, I forgot to mention that I hate Gilgamesh. He is to slow in his attacks, and it's way to risky to use him. I'm having trouble with the 000 story where you fight Feral Chaos. I have the hintguide to, and it's not helping.
  8. Yeah I'm good with most accept Prish, Garland, and Ultemicia. I know, but you have to play them once to see what their moves are. ;P

    Naa, I feel ya. Not everyone likes facebook. I know some people who don't even use computers. (Yeah, in this day and age)
  9. That's because Firion is an awesome character as is Gabranth. I really don't dislike any characters accept Ultimecia, Shantotto, and Prishe. They are not my style at all, and it really is a pain to use them. Thanks for understanding my position, some people think it's a stupid reason for me not to go on those sites.
  10. Yeah I belive I first mastered Firion on my Dissidia file. Still my best. (Gabranth being a close second.) They're the only characters I can seem to beat level one hundered chaos.

    I'm sorry to hear that... It's truely a tradgedy that some people have been so saddened by their lives. Many a people complain on FB about their lives and some of thier cries go unheard... It's a shame indeed..
  11. I hate Ultimecia, way to slow, but I love Terra, she is one of my best characters. My first maxed out character in fact. I really don't like any social sites because some of my friends have used it to post a farewell message before they commit suicide. Very depressing actually, so I've come to hate that kind of site.
  12. Yeah, I've recently been experimenting with characters I never play as. I've really made great strides of progress with Ultemicia and Terra. (They'll never be my best but I'm getting better. )
    Yeah I used to hate Facebook and other social networks but eventually I tried it and it is pretty fun. (I try to spread general nerdyness to the masses over Facebook)
  13. Well, I look at the strengths of my opponent and work from there. The rest of my fighting relies on reflexes. I don't have a Youtube or a Facebook so I've got some time to wander on other forums.
  14. I do take my time in fights. I think about what moves my opponent is likely to make. Problem is, I do all this before the fight, once it starts, I basically just react...

    I've never really wanted to go to any other sites because I barely have time for this one. (I pretty much just use my computer for emmulators, TFF, Youtube and Facebook.)
  15. I see we are both a fan of the bring it all out and charge method. I'm not very tactful some say, but my fighting methods work. I love to rp, I'm in on most of the rp's on other forums.
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