Conversation Between Elise and The_Dream_Recluse

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Glad to hear that, and no problem!
  2. Naww, thank you kindly

    I still have my down days, but i survive i'm a trooper. Plus, i'm surrounded by my family and they always keep me going XD
  3. Hello, I noticed that you mentioned something about depression in almost every post I read that's written by you, I am just checking if everything is alright... I hope, whatever it was, that it belongs only to the past now. Always remember that you are more than what you are going through =)
  4. Haha we sure do *does weird dance*

    And no probs
  5. Thank you for the welcome message!
    20 years-olds rule!!! woop woop!
  6. Welcome to the forums

    Hi 5 for having the same age haha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6