Conversation Between midgetbob and Taco-Calamitous

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Ehhh, my initial jobs in the military had very specific civilian applications. I'm a computer programmer now, so everything is fine; there for awhile though, things were looking bleak.

    Data Analysis will be great. Just be sure to get your certifications (both military and civilian).
  2. Hosed? You gonna go to school with the GI Bill or anything? As for me, I think my job should translate well to civilian life. Data analysis and stuffs. *nod nod*
  3. Yeah, the Under the Sea cover was the first of the CD i heard. I'm planning on getting both. They're going to be fantastic.

    Yeah, I joined out of high school, and now i'm so hosed. Blah... luckily I'm finally getting my career stuff in order. Be sure to get an MOS that actually applies to life.
  4. Yeah, went on a tour of McChord Air Force Base a few months ago, and Fort Lewis (army base) is in the same vicinity, so we saw their housing (from the outside) and saw the AF's housing. Looked much nicer. Although I kinda wish I'd joined a lot earlier. I ALMOST joined the Navy right out of High School. Friend going into the AF talked me out of it.

    You getting Reel Big Fish's new album at the end of the month? I am excited for it; the samples sound pretty cool. Also, you got Suburban Legends' album from this year? It's pretty good. First one I got by them. Has their "Under the Sea" cover on it, heh.
  5. yeah... 2 terms, been over seas a few times. I wish I would have went to the air force instead of the army. The living conditions and standard of life is MUCH better.

    I also assume all ska-fans are awesome. I rarely find anyone at concerts who deserve a quick kick while I be skankin'
  6. Glad to be out, eh? Although sounds like you served a second term. Did you have to go over to Iraq and stuff? You've got my respect. I'm going into the Air Force in September, been looking around today online at military forums and stuff.

    Cool beans. I like having fellow ska fans around; I assume they are cool based solely on that, heh.
  7. Spent 8 years in the Army. out now and loving it.

    I'm a total ska-kid. Currently I've been on a mad caddie / aquabat kick. There isn't many of the ska bands I don't listen to.
  8. So you like the ska music? That's cool. You listen to any other ska bands aside from the Aquabats and The Hippos? Also, I've seen you mention you're in the military. What branch?
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