Conversation Between lady ashe and Judge Magistrate

9 Visitor Messages

  1. awww... really?
  2. I'm glad you back also, it just wasn't the same without the princess.
  3. i am not sure... i believe it was just before summer holidays when i left. yes thats it, wow it took me a while to get rozzaria to argee not to attack (prepare for collage). but im glad to be back now
  4. How was your long sebatical from the website.
  5. *looks at you* well hello again
  6. Well, well, well, welcome back to the site.
  7. I have an ear to the ground in everything, I like to help people to so.
  8. how do you know that i was having troubles with my brother? and yeah i am, dont worry bout it, no offense taken on his side
  9. You having trouble with your brother still? He sounds really childish to me, not to be to insulting.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9