Conversation Between Diyala and Assassin

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Mine is going pretty good but due to the hot weather, it gets pretty hard. I keep on thinking that I am not really getting used to this.
  2. It's going fine . thanks
    how's yours ?
  3. Oh you must be talking about assassin creed. Actually I changed my name after a character in a show game of thrones. Happy Ramadan to you too. How's it going by the way?
  4. I see the name is constantly changing , what's up with Assassin ? I currently start playing the game ^^
    Oh and congratz on Ramadan
  5. Same here. My exams are going on and GOD I'm really tired and exhausted. I didn't sleep the whole night, literally because of my Math paper. You know what you should do when you get really tired after coming from work, eat ice-cream and listen to Richard Marx, Bryan Adams and The Beatles. It'll help (:
  6. Quite well , thanks . just a bit stressed of life and work ^^
  7. I'm good. You're right, we haven't talked in a loooong time. How are you?
  8. HI , I haven't talked to you in such along time , how are u ?
  9. Oh ya I heard about his death.
  10. I'm glad many Palestinian prisoners were freed two days ago for releasing one jewish guy .God knows how many ages they spent inside jail for no slight guilt they did and some might have lost hope of being freed but now they are seeing the light again as any single human must . Also Gadafy's death holds really happy news to all Arabs though it sounds tragic to dance on someone's dead body but he was behind it all . So yeah that's what I've got so far and I'm delightfuly looking forward the future !
  11. So, what's up?
  12. Yeah Good too.
    I'm only bored !
  13. Heyyyyyyy.
    I've been good, you?
  14. Hey , how have you been ?
  15. Thanx. Same to you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 41
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