Conversation Between Rikkuffx and Sarah

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. welcome
  2. Thank you, hun! =)
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. That's cool. I'm alright,just working whenever I get hours and I'm still going to the gym,i'm also back to playing WoW lol
  5. I'm alright. School started up again, and I have a good chance of getting a related job. I've also gone gluten free the last few weeks.

    How are you?
  6. Hey,How have you been?
  7. Its the burlington mall but they did use multiple malls,but its funny cause i notice most of the shots are from the mall i work in and then i noticed a few that i had no idea what mall it was.

    I work at bath and body works.
  8. Do you really work in that mall? The Braintree mall? Or did they use multiple MA malls?
  9. Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. Lol I should just come and stalk you in person jk lol yea so i bought the cleansing bar and the scrub i usually use(i needed mroe and ive been told to exfoliate everyday which seems to help.I did buy the cvs brand of benzoyl peroxide,hmm ive never had problems mixing salyclic acid nad the ben.peroxide i'm sure i'll be fine becaus ehe only thing that has the acid in it is my scrub so its only a lil bit. i'm going to skip the toner for now like you suggested and just do the bar,scrub,peroxide,moisturizer i got a new moisturizer cause i'm low on my other one lol its neutrogena healthy skin face lotion,it helps blemishes as well as aging LOL so yea we shall see how this goes talk to you soon (i hope)
  11. I've never had that much luck with toner myself. I'd think the best thing to do would be to use as few things as possible to avoid irritating your skin. Let your skin get used to the new stuff your going to use then work the toner in slowly. I think that would be best. Everything in baby steps.

    We'll catch each other sometime. I swear. Haha. =)
  12. I forgot to ask you lol shoudl i use a toner too?on one of the sites i read it says to use an alcohol free toner and the one i currently have has alcohol in it i am thinking about stopping at cvs and getting teh stuff you suggested lol thanks so much "big sis"
  13. Oh its alright lo when i get off im going to work or to bed lol thats why we've been missing each other! And yesterday i worked like 9 hours lol so i'm whipped
  14. AH! Hi a hundred times back. I keep missing your IM's this week. ^^()
  15. You missed all the drama today LOL
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