Conversation Between musicrocksgbv and Martin

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol, used to love your birthday? Why not now? Yeah, it is the features that tend to attract the attention of people. That shouldn't be, but hey, it's how it is right now.
  2. August birthdays aye. I love mine... Well I used to

    Good to see you're liking this place. I mean a lot of new people aren't really staying at the moment... but well yeah it's features like this that will keep people I hope. I like it too, it's helpful in that it lets you stay in touch.
  3. Heh, thanks man. ^^ Yo, you're an August birthday too! *random glances around* Coolies.
    You know, this is the first forum that I've been to that really used the personal notification/visitor messages thing. It's pretty neat.
  4. I thinks I like you.

    I'm just looking through some of your posts and I'm thinking... You're pretty cool. Stick around
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4