Conversation Between RagnaToad and Clint

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. So, Mr. Toad, how is your North Korean counterpart? Feeling communistic? Kim Jong-il, or whoever the hell is in charge over there, is a faggot!
  2. We have been looking everywhere for you Ragna. You need to explain yourself now. Are you a Soviet spy and/or a crazy chef?!
  3. I am a man in need of a woman.
  4. There you are. Where have you been? We've been looking for you. RagnaToad, are you a Soviet spy or a crazy chef?
  5. I don't know where you are, but when I find you, you're going to have to explain your actions.
  6. Do you want to be a Chef?
  7. I think I ate too much in the last few hours. I feel dirty. I need exercise. Masturbation or playing the guitar does not count I am told.
  8. I'm talking about you becoming the Professor of Bomb Disarming. What are you talking about?
  9. What on earth are you talking about?
  10. I hear you are good with the ladies, and therefore good with your hands. How would you like to be our Professor of Bomb Disarming?
  11. Are you awesome? Would you like to become more awesome? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then you should highly consider joining the Goddamn Eastwood Academy of Awesomeness. We want you!
  12. A beanstalk is a stalk of bean. You know, like cornstalk, but bean instead of corn. Beanstalks usually lead to giants. Like, if you clime a beanstalk, you'll find a giant. True story.
  13. I don't know what beanstalk is.
    I'm not.
  14. Have you ever eaten a beanstalk? Who are you? Why are you bothering me? Answer the questions. This is a test. Not of the emergency broadcast system. It's just a test.
  15. What?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 39
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