Conversation Between Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3 and Dancing_Corpse

14 Visitor Messages

  1. . . .See? I double posted, mwhahahahahah!
  2. At least you can talk here and not get in trouble. . .
  3. lol yea I saw it in the sig
  4. Yeah, this girl made it for me. . .
  5. Awesome sig xD
  6. TapNGap look on my profile
  7. you like my new avatar?

    And also add aidan
  8. Sad go offline then T_T
  9. yea just not in a row
  10. Its like

  11. It keeps saying you are offline on FB
  12. Whoa I'm a squire now how did that happen
  13. Sup Noobie
    Awesome avatar
  14. sup noobie
    I like your background pic!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14