Conversation Between Chez Daja and Aerif

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. *Poke*

  2. What can I say? I'm a night-owl.
  3. I have to ask you...

    3am? What the heck?
  4. Omg, omg, happy birthdai.
  5. It's funny actually. Only two months back when I visited the kebab shop, the guy joked saying "yoo owe me twenny quee, oka?" I laughed it off -- I've known this guy for years when I've visited every month or so. Long story short, I went there a week ago to pick some food up for my brothers' birthday and I had this ****ing awesome kebab. I'm not kidding, it was one of the best kebabs, ever. And then a day later I'm in the shitter with my guts pratically dangling into the water. I guess he wasn't joking about that twenty quid.
    I've never actually had a problem with that shop before, but I hadn't eaten anything else that could've caused it.
    Then again, it serves me right for enjoying a kebab almost to the point of some sort of unsexual orgasm.

    How have you been, though?
  6. Woah, woah, whoa!

    Food poisoning?

    What happened?
  7. No mistress. D:

    Actually, I'm recovering from severe food poisoning. I have no food in my body now which seems to be starving my mind and making me see all the colours of the rainbow. =D

    How're you?
  8. Have you been avoiding me *poke*
  9. Maybe. Or maybe she smashed her head into the keyboard again and again to get her numbers... It would also explain the low intelligence!

    Did I say low intelligence? I mean... the numbers thing... yeah... that's all... >_>;

  10. kkthxbailolwtfomg!11one

    Oh sorry, the cat that does not exist was sitting on my keyboard...

    Wait, perhaps that is where Ashley got her numbers from!
  11. WHY YES. I think this calls for a farting smilie!

  12. Well the two of us are here for one thing!

  13. I know. It must be some kind of mistake, surely! TFF is the Internets' number 1 base for intellectuals!

  14. I know, it's totally university standard! And there are like, newbies, like, complaining about, like, a total lack of intelligence on the forums. I mean come on, what's more interri... Intel... Smartical than that?
  15. I think it's hilarious how Ashley(RANDOMNUMBAHS) gave you a usernote without any knowledge of what grammar or spelling was and then used the farting smilie again and again. Seriously. Now if that's not intelligence, I don't know what is. OLOLZ...
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