Conversation Between Unknown Entity and Rocky

62 Visitor Messages

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  1. i was very intoxicated and asked for help, but thank you for saving my life that night. *salutes*
  2. is dis an sos mesage?
  3. h-hello.... pls respond..
  4. That's so sweet! Thankies Rock-star-y. <3
  5. Happy Valentines day Gemma :3

    I hope you like bumpy rides!! (and boy I sure like the one day of the year where I can be as creepy as che and hit on all of my crushes without getting slapped with sexual harassment/permaban rofl)
  6. eek!
  7. Omnomnomnom.
  8. yes, all 42 of them, after I'm doing running.

  9. kms = Kiss My... Socks?
  10. do you and Victoria have a 2-for-1 deal? If so we should work something out.
  11. hahaha, I like your ten year plan! And totally, I think people need a couple of years to themselves and their significant others to "get to know each other" before all that worrysome stuff like children happen.

    And will do chief!
  12. I have a uterus too! But creation of new life in it is prohibited for ten years. Which is a good thing! 8D

    SO. I can offer a million +reps to make up for the -rep you received being a pro. Haters gonna hate... Now, get posting so I can spread some rep. =D
  13. Yay, glad you like the song. <3

    Cheryl Cole ftw!
  14. Thankies Rocky! =D <3
  15. happy birthday! <3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 62
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