Conversation Between Unknownangel and Elyon Seraphim

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well I hopes its better then my life is right now...
  2. Same things like always.
  3. Hey it been a while, whats up?
  4. Hey it been a while.
  5. Yep just as you guy know I won't be on for a while. VACATION TIME!!!!!!! And I'm taking the atvatege.
  6. Then i hope you'll have a good time yourself.
  7. I'm sorry. Wait SHE'S ALMOST HOME!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I do hope you have wonderful time with your sister.
  8. Errm... This is like having a contest... -.-

    If you haven't seen you sis in a long time, then don't compete with my sis you hear? I don't want to get into a fight so im done talking.
  9. So who is the person that should be the most excited about seeing his or here sis?
  10. Hmm, I see.
  11. And if I'm correct that was 4 years ago......or 5.
  12. Well my sister is coming home from collage from Hawaii. She graduated there. I don't see her as often as I like. Shes leaving to Arizona in a January so I kind of no how yah feel. This will be the first time that I know of since everyone was together for xmas sine before one of my brothers went to Russia for 2 years. I so excited!!!!
  13. Just going to spend my time having nice with my family.
    My big sister came home yesterday, She lives PRETTY far away from me.

    You can't imagin' how happy i were to see her face again.
  14. Hey hows it goin,whats your plans for xmas?
  15. Man you like changed everything!O_O Can't see much though.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 23
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