Conversation Between che and Tiffany

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes it was! Thank you very much!
  2. OMGosh its your birthday? Happy birthday!!
  3. Don't talk to me in your scandalous way, Tiff. You're baaaaad.
  4. ...just what are you suggesting?

    bow chicka wow wow!
  5. You are right. But we can stop it from spreading!
  6. Not sure if there's a cure for "American". LOL
  7. Save me from the USA!
  8. Trying to get you to become Canadian. That is all.
  9. Mmm... It's different because I've never really been single for a long amount of time. But I can't say that I enjoy it more than being exclusive with someone. Thanks for the hookups offer! You da bomb.
  10. Well if I knew of any hot girls in your area i'd totally hook you up ha ha ha. Unless you're happy with the singledom?
  11. That's amazing! Congrats! I'm doing great, but I'm single. It's not as cool as being not single!
  12. Pretty good! Being married is awesome, we just booked our 1 year wedding anniversary trip to Cancun. Can't complain at all, lol. How's you???
  13. Hi Tiff. ^.^ How's you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13