Conversation Between EvT1991 and Magi of Worlds

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Miss you dude...
  2. Ah, its not too bad. I'm looking for a better job here myself.
  3. oh ya, that is true... pretty good, for the most part... hows life for you?

    oh and as for the fire emblem thing, ill stay outta that, considering ive never played anything from that series before, and (once again) i wouldnt have the time to live past page 2 lol
  4. Hey, its ok man! I was just checking up on you! Even if it sucks, work does give you money! I just hope you doing ok. How's your family?
  5. sorry i havent been on in a long while, its cause of work... ive had 10 days off this month.... not fun
  6. Yo Ev! Just checking up on you man! Is everything ok over there?
  7. How you been Ev? Is everything going ok at home?
  8. Hey Ev! Join my latest RP if you can! Its called Fire Emblem: The Awakening of the Demon King!
  9. hey, if you want anything animated lemme know.. within the next 8 days i can get it done SUPA FAST after that itll take longer, cause my cs4 trial will have ended. and flash 8 takes longer to do stuff on, cause its on my old computer, and its incompatible with my current os (my laptop runs on 7)
  10. oh ya! havin a blast! and ya.. i cant wait till kisuke gets on and writes something either... lets hope that happens soon...
  11. What is up my man! How are you enjoying yourself so far? Its too bad Kisuke hasn't come back yet or we could continue the RP!
  12. oh sweet u joined!
  13. Sup man? As of a minute or so ago, who's counting anyway, I am you new adopter! If you have any questions or concerns at all please let me know by way of PM, VM or any other way you can think of. Have a great day!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13