Conversation Between Naegleria_fowleri and OceanEyes28

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Aww, but you can be a musician without it being your career path! Music!

    I play a little guitar, but not enough to play for people. I'm more of a singer, but I'd like to be able to play along with myself someday.
  2. Ahehe thank you
    Actually I want to play more often (I wish I can join some orchestra or something..), but my college keeps me too busy and my parents said I can't be a musician. Boooo T^T

    Btw do you play any instrumens?
  3. I just read that you played piano and now you play violin. That's awesome! Two instruments I wish I had the patience to learn and that I love hearing played well. I have a friend who plays violin and I just stare at him when he does. It's weird. But I can't help it.
  4. I'm from Indonesia..
    Nah.. It's okay. Glad that you're okay now
  5. Ah! Sorry I have been out of contact for a few days, I got sick with something. I am feeling so much better now. I hope you're still feeling good about TFF. It's a pretty nice community, actually.

    I'm from Arkansas in the US, and I go to school in Georgia. What about you?
  6. Mm-hmm, that's me. Thank you

    TFF is a nice forum, I'd say. With 1,427 active members and how we can get to know each other with 'adoption' system is a very cool idea. I've joined around 7 forums but never really get to know the people

    Btw where do you come from?
  7. Yes! Gatsby. He's very adorable but very high energy. He requires a lot of attention, which is something you don't have to worry about with cats - which is something I appreciate about them. But oh well, he is what he is. And he does occasionally bark when I leave him outside, haha, but he's super friendly.

    How are you liking TFF so far?

    Is that you in your profile picture? Pretty!
  8. Hello

    Ahehe yes I'm a cat person. But I actually like dogs too, as long as they don't bark at me when I'm not even doing anything. It makes me afraid -_-"
    Btw I saw your albums. Your dog looks cute.. What's its name? Gatsby?
  9. Hey there, welcome to TFF. I'm your "adopter."

    If you have any questions, send them my way. And if you want someone to VM back and forth, we can do that too. We're the same age! And you're a cat person, eh? I've become more of a dog person, but we had two cats growing up that I absolutely adored. I miss having them around.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9