Conversation Between Unknown Entity and LaCkyy

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. =S

    Where did you go?
  2. Personal Message .

    I'll try again very soon!
  3. Did you PM or VM them?
  4. Lococolt, and majority of the mods, admins.
  5. Ah man... who did you mail about it?
  6. Nope , they never replied to my messages
  7. LOL! *low-fives*

    Yeah, should do. Did you manage to get your walkthrough up?
  8. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, its only low fives here lol *Low-Fives*

    And yeah, I wish I had the opportunity to be part of something like that, but then again. I will properly need to get my post’s up and become a Big Vital Forumer. And then opportunity’s like that should arise

    When they do, I’m sure looking forward to them. I always write Stories and newspaper articles in my spare time.
  9. Haha, I bet! Thats really good! *high-fives*

    I sure as hell will be availiable! It's ok to pass up brilliant opprotunity the first time, but to do it again is just stupid. When the time comes, I'll be ready... and with my fingers crossed that it is on a Final Fantasy game I've played. ^^;;

    I have tried to read it, but it takes forever to load up on my computer! I need to have a good look at when I have the time though - I read the first page of one that came out a while ago.
  10. Thank you!

    I worked my backside off lol.
    and i know..always the wrong timing in' it

    Well maybe next time, when they need more writers you might be available?
    Do you read the Chocobo Digest? The Recent Article about Sin attacking Spira is very good!
  11. B grade is really good! Wow, it's funny how this time last year, I was submitting my final drafts... Ah... the memories... Of working to hard and driving myself into a really early grave.

    Haha, nah, I kid. Thats really good - I'm happy for you!

    I'm not back, just here for a day or two to try and... help someone stuck in a sticky patch of... wrongness. In other words, get two people talking again, and get justice on someone who is deeply in the wrong. Haha, and I couldn't do the artical for the Digest - I have so much on with courswork. If only it was now they were asking for new writters - I have a whole free week next week. And the week after. >.<
  12. Things, are going well...ok Finally got abit more free time on my hands as you would proberly guess, from playing 16 hours xD.

    But life in general is pretty good, just Submitted my english coursework again. it's on a B grade now. so it's cool, anyhow nice to have you back!
    Hows the Writing for the Digest going?
  13. Haha, I wish I could spend 16 hours over a few nights! Thats awesome. XD

    Meh... It's going ok. I can't say it has made much of a difference so far. It was going ok before I made the mistake of scanning over the forums and spying Calvan's leaving thread, and how horrible some of the things he and Sheena said about who they were talking about. Honestly... some people. What a nice thing to see about a site I adore eh? :S

    Hows it going for you?
  14. Haven't left a comment in like....AGES!
    So thought i would

    How you bin?
    Enjoy your stay of the forums?

    I Started Playing FFX on Saturday and have 16hour Gameplay I'm Cool!

  15. Thats cool! I like Jecht... especially in the final fight with him - it's bloody amazing!
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