Conversation Between RagnaToad and Dodie16

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh right, that. Yeah I know. I watched a lot of gameplay videos already before. I think it suits the surreal look of the game.

    I've seen that. It's like that with every game, isn't it? The gameplay seems fun. Almost calming in a way. It's a game that's actually original AND has mainstream success. Go figure.
  2. The characters don't really talk. They speak gibberish, but there's subtitles underneath to tell you what they're saying. Here's a vid if you're interested (the voice starts at about 45 seconds into it). I'm not sure if you can view it because of the whole region lock thing that some videos have, though. If you can, then it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about.

    I suppose that's just one of the things we learn to deal with when we get older. Our tastes in the things that we like change too, so it's understandable.

    Erm... Gotta tell you though. Okami is a little slow starting out when the game teaches you how to use the controls and sends you out on fetch quests and stuff, but I hope that doesn't deter you from playing it.
  3. What do you mean by voice acting.

    I had looked up a lot of stuff about Okami like about a year ago and decided I liked it. It's just that I am not into playing videogames anymore. But once I have too much time, I might play this one.

    I feel like Final Fantasy games are too slow sometimes, it makes me feel like I'm wasting time. It doesn't seem worth it if I don't fully enjoy playing it and if the story and characters don't appeal to me as much anymore.

    I still adore FF IX though.
  4. Yeah, I may have heard a little bit about that game.

    I hope you enjoy it if you do wind up getting it. I had a blast with it, but there are some things that you gotta get used the "voice acting". It's really annoying at first, but then I just learned to appreciate it as just one of it's little quirks.

    There's a sequel for the DS in the works now too. I started a thread about it if you want some more info, but that's totally up to you.
  5. Guess what. I might buy Okami!
  6. I know he was in KH II.

    Just thought I'd point that out in case that person didn't know.
  7. Hello! I saw your post in the "Sexist outlooks towards video games" thread, and I just came by to say that Seifer was in Kingdom Hearts II as well as in Final Fantasy VIII, and Snow does look a lot like him from that version, imo.

    Not a big deal or anything, just pointing that out to you.
  8. Thanks!
  9. Hey! I saw that it was your birthday, so I came by to wish you a happy birthday!
  10. Thanks for letting me know! I'll get to work on it as soon as I can.
  11. Hi,

    I've decided to work the Movie ranking thing out in a different way. The TFF's Movie Database will be supervised and updated by yours truly.

    I thought you might want to check it out and post your own Top 10:

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11