Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Elyon Seraphim

180 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey, I see you lurking inside the group, Don't you wanna partipace in something inside it like the Arena or something else?
  2. I will resign then, I suppose...
  3. ViviMasterMage, I am somewhat alittle disappointed in you, While Ralz, Meigumi and I are working to make the game successful, You take your good time.

    Can't you atleast help the project a bit more to make yourself useful and more deserving of your position?

    Im not trying to be bossy, But... It's somewhat unfair that you get your position on a sliver plate without doing anything, Will you do something for the project?

    I have my hands full here, So i need more workers, Including you.

    Excuse my grumpy accent, But it REALLY is neccessary.
  4. Ah, Elyon...

    Sorry for not being as active as I used to be. Have you seen my messed up profile page? That's the cause! x'(
  5. Good question... I didn't think on it before, Well... Can you please make it something? I don't care on how you change it, Use what you like would be good, And yeah... Don't change the box size. ._.
  6. I want to know. How can I put swirls and stuff on the image without increasing the box size?
  7. When will i get my help? D:>
  8. Hey hows it going with the Picture?
  9. Oh gosh... Im bored.
  10. Well, The sig can wait for some moments, Since this is more important.

    This is an sample combat window which i got from an script, The places where it's roomy is where the faces will be set, The smaller windows is others, The one under the roomy window is where the names are set, Under the name place is the HP and MP bars, The mission is to recreate this window so it looks more... Wow! Look at the battle window! Style, But don't change sizes or anything, Just make it more good looking.

    You get my point.
  11. What graphic would you like me to make?

    You know I was kidding about the banner, you know? I'll make it for you! It's just that I was away for 2 weeks so I couldn't do anything.
  12. Hey Vivi, I have an important thing for you, I'd like to have an new grafic for the game, Yet i don't seem to be able to contact Fate, Would you try making him help me with just ONE grafic.

    I won't disurb any more.
  13. How is it going?
  14. Sorry to bother you, I'd like an nice remake on my avatar im using now, On the edges... Same as in the Signature's edges.
  15. Time will tell, Elyon.
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