Conversation Between Walter Sobchak and ChloChloAriadne

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. You rsrrwrtne ttherte vor eme to telrl sa strofyt what athe gfcuk
  2. I had so many requests. I will trade up to two votes for Most Intelligent.
  3. I'll steal your vote for most random/bizarre.

    Also, hello. >.<
  4. Why thank you. I do very much like it when my enemies suffer.
  5. Thanks for your vote. May all your dreams come true and all your enemies suffer.
  6. Can I count on your vote for Most Antagonistic?
  7. Pete for S-mod.
  8. How can Tiger Lily be tough on crime when she is descended from criminals? How can we trust Mistress Sheena when he has flip-flopped on offshore drilling? Vote Pete.
  9. Indeed, Pete for S-Mod.
  10. If Mistress Sheena is a citizen, where is his birth certificate? If Tiger Lily isn't a heroin addict, why does she have track marks?

    The conclusion is clear: Pete for S-Mod.
  11. Aliens have tried to conquer this world three times. You didn't hear about them because Pete fought them back each time. Vote Pete or else we will be invaded.
  12. Did you know: Mistress Sheena is a secret Muslim. Support Pete for S-Mod!
  13. They do suck. And no, I'm just very good at ignoring it.

    You mean talking is hard?
  14. Panic attack? That can't be good. I hope whatever inflicted this panic has been eliminated/forgotten about.

    This is harder than I thought it would be.
  15. Kinda crap, actually >.<. Panic attacks suck. Getting better though, at least, methinks.

    Doing assignment work now. Always delightful.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 22
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