Conversation Between Martin and Jin

9 Visitor Messages

  1. It's Splatterhouse. The original game was for the Turbografx-16 but number 2 (and 3 as well I think) were released on the Mega Drive. I'm not sure which this picture is from, but I'm inclined to say the second.
  2. Jin sir.
    Can I ask, your sig picture, what game is it from?? Because I seem to remember it being on the Genesis and I remember loving it. And it causing mental scarring. Yet I seem to have repressed it's name.

  3. As long as it's all good thats fine.
    If anything I know it's not the most intelligent chat in the world but ID is dying... and I was very bored.
  4. Haha, no need for apologizing. I'm fully aware that I'm abrasive. Also most of what I say is tongue and cheek, so don't take any of it too seriously.
  5. Yep. My apologies for that. I won't do it again.
    I took a lot more offence than I should have done, and I know that it was never the intention. Call it a lapse.
    As it happens, my opinion for the intention of ID is to debate and well that's what we are doing. Shouldn't have negative repped you. And I am sorry.
  6. And yet we've already resorted to a negative rep skirmish. Seems odd to open the box, flick what's inside and then close it. But fair enough.
  7. I'd hope not at all.
    We have differing opinions is all.
  8. Well however you want to do it. Rapiers at noon? Cudgels at dusk? The palms of our hands in the afternoon? Your decision.
  9. Pistols at dawn? Not quite
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9