Conversation Between DragonHeart and SeleneHime

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Mmmhmm, I've found that as well. Its usually worth the wait for information on other people's worlds, XD.
  2. Always does. I try to keep my characters in line with the general spirit of the RP. The more information, the better. =)
  3. *Smiles.* Well, half the challenge is naming the places. After I name them, I get a general idea of what its like. Hopefully the map/map guide (document with the information to the locations) will help you make your character(s), too. It should help with the background, at least.
  4. Wow, that must be a lot of detail. XD I can only name one or two RPs I can think of being in that had maps. I wish more did, would be quite helpful.
  5. Understandable for that. *Huggles.* Good luck with your classes.

    (And the map for the area is coming along nicely, too. One character sheet of three is mostly complete.)
  6. Sure. I don't have a lot of free time these days, but I'm sure I can work in at least one post a week. As soon as I'm caught up in my schoolwork, anyways. >_>;
  7. Mmm. So ... Would you still be interested in doing that RP?
  8. Excellent. ^^
  9. Fever broke yesterday, so I think I'm starting on the mend. ^_^
  10. Eh, all right. How about you?
  11. Well, I'm glad that its at least not causing you any problems right now. *Huggles.* How has your week been so far?
  12. Surprisingly, no. No more than usual anyway as I do occasionally get some ringing, but it never lasts long. At least by the time it (may) cause problems I'll probably know ASL already heh, my stepfather is deaf in one ear and mostly deaf in the other.
  13. That is odd. o.o
    I never knew that either. Does that ear ever ring a lot? (Just curious, since my 90% deaf one rings quite a bit.) But, yeah, that does make sense. Hopefully it won't cause you later problems, though.
  14. Not really. I didn't know this but apparently eardrums do grow back. That ear tends to pop a lot more but I don't have any actual hearing loss. Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me later on though. Had infections a lot when I was younger so I'm just more prone to them, I guess.
  15. *Pats.* Still sucks to have that happen either way. I suppose it affected your hearing? And, yeah, working out would help.
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