Conversation Between Yoko and Squall

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. How are you? Haven't spoken to you in a while, hope all is well.
  2. Thank you!
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. Fair point. Honestly wherever the most $ is will be the deciding factor lol
  5. Football would be good. REAL football would be better though Or Rugby. I like either. American football has lost it's glamour with me. As soon as it turned into 10 seconds of game time and a minute of stand-around just isn't worth watching. They get paid a lot though.
  6. Haha yeah when I was little my parents always joked and said I'd try and talk my way into getting almost anything and that once I started working that I would be the best negotiator in the world, lol. And to be honest, If I had to pick a sport I'd say football but I'd be happy with any really.
  7. Negotiator?
    A sports agent would be cool. Any sport in particular?
    And you gotta do what makes you happy. Otherwise it's not worth doing Good luck.
  8. That's what everyone has said about Toronto; interesting. Looks like I'll be making a trip up there in the future lol. As for me, I'm hoping to continue my education until I get a masters in Business Administration or Sports Management, and my dream is to become a sports agent. I'm very passionate about sports and I've always been told I'd be a great negotiator so I'm actively pursuing that avenue
  9. I love Toronto. It's like a mini New York. It's nice. Some people don't like it, but I love the city life. I was born there.

    I plan to work somewhere along the lines of the job I'm working now. That is if I can't get the degree. I'm still looking into it. I'm just getting into my 3rd year and final year of the program. It's coming up pretty quickly.

    Any plans for you?
  10. Wow! Seems like you've got a lot on your plate; but seem to be handling it well. What are your immediate plans after you finish school? BTW, how is Tornoto? I've never been outside of the United States and I'd love to travel once I get the chance.
  11. AVIATION!!!!! My life is Aviation at the moment. I work at Pearson Airport in Toronto. I actually almost for too excited and almost spilled my apple cider on my keyboard. Whoops. lol. I am in college for Aviation Management. It's mostly business oriented since it is a Management course. I can't complain too much. The things we learn aren't often related to Aviation, but they can help with everyday things often found in the workplace. I'm on my co-op right now, so no classes until January.
    Aside from that I volunteer a lotI used to be in Air Cadets when I was little. The program did so much for me, I feel that I should pay them back in some way. I love it.
    When I'm not on co-op, I work at a gym located on campus. It's an awesome job. And it keeps me pretty active as well. Yep. Life is good
  12. I'm a business major so in the first semester I have math, english comp, management, and a business infomation class (computer-oriented). I get out pretty early every day so I can't complain lol. What about you? What are your interests outside of TFF?
  13. Very nice. What are you taking?
  14. I'm a full-time student in college, I workout at my gym 5-6 days a week, I love to read, write, play sports, movies, video games (not as much as I used to) and travel when I can. I'm a pretty simple guy; I'll try almost anything.
  15. So, what do you do aside from foruming?
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