Conversation Between Storm and Alpha

14 Visitor Messages

  1. I guessed it was something like that. I don't really hear the New Zealand accent like that, although I can't comment on the fish and chips thing as I can't recall ever hearing a kiwi saying fish and chips! I was just puzzled as I couldn't understand what was being said or if there was any joke for me to try to understand!
  2. o____o

    If you're looking for an explanation...

    Well I just saw that you had written "Fish and Chips" on your page, and that reminded me of the Kiwi colloquialism and the oft-made-fun-of-aspect-of-my-country's-accent. Apparently it sounds as though we say "fush un chups". And that 'beached whale' video is an Australian's attempt to poke fun at it.

    That is all.

    But those naked Japanese with the fans/ping pong rackets... that's some weird shit.
  3. That video is strange... Haha. I really don't get it! Is there anything to understand about it?

    I am utterly confused now.

    I think the only way I can respond is by something strange and slightly disturbing...
  4. o____o

    *scratches head*
  5. Fush un chups?
  6. Nothing wrong with being a bit of a music snob- most of the music on commercial radio is terrible! Most of the time its the same crappy songs over and over, and the slight rare chance that something decent may appear.
  7. I'm doing a BA double majoring in Geography and Development Studies. DEVE also requires a minor (though most majors don't), which I'm doing as Asian politics.

    Primary research is fun. I really want to do postgraduate study in about two years' time, and I had to do some primary research for my latest geography essay, which has given me a sweet taste.

    I suppose my tastes are comparatively narrow, and my friends would consider me a snob -apart from the minority of them who share my tastes, naturally. Mostly alt or indie rock; liberal dash of classic blues rock; very minor reggae influence. If it's on popular radio, chances are I hate it.
  8. I'm studying a BA in Digital Media Arts. We study film production, graphic design, web design, animation etc. The British college system is different to the US one as we don't have Majors and Minors, although i'm not 100% clear on the US system myself.

    Haha, i'm doing my dissitation on animation too! Mine's on the implications and benefits of animation "going digital". I really need to do some primary research... I hate talking to people on the phone, so i've been putting it off. What are you studying?

    Ah music-wise I have a varied style. I mainly listen to rock, alt rock, punk and metal. There is some indie rock, ska, reggae, electronica and dance music I will listen to aswell. I have the odd bit of cheese in my collection too! You?
  9. What are your majors? My girlfriend is doing an animation paper at the moment. I'm so computer-illiterate that I have no idea where to start (literally), but she's making some cool shit.

    What kind of music do you like?
  10. Aye, I've been busy with uni assaignments too. I had the smart idea to do an animation for my final major project so that is taking a long time. I've also got a dissitation to write and 2 business assaignments.

    Yes, the show is about music and random banter. We play all sorts of stuff, and tend to have a weekly rant, and talk about strange things in the news. This week was just my co-host, and next week will be too, so it will be mainly dance and electronica.
  11. That being said, I know next to nothing about my Scottish ancestry. Meh, I've always thought of my Irish ancestry as being more interesting, although we circumvented a lot of religous conflict becasue of potatoes!

    Ehh, things are OK at the moment. Just buried in Uni assignments. Yourself? I clicked your link to your Facebook page before, and I saw Rags join it on Facebook last week or so. I was going to listen, but it takes lots of effort to coordinate time zones from the other side of the world. Is it a music show?
  12. Cool! That wall sounds quite interesting, I wonder if there is somewhere in Ireland that talks about the Pattersons? I need to start some research! High-five on being of Irish blood too though!

    I have no idea if we have Catholic or Protestant in the family, as all I know is that my mum's generation are atheist, and I don't think my Grandad is of religion either, however I have never asked him. I don't know about my great grandparents. I guess I could ask my mum. I know that one of my relatives has looked quite deep into our family tree, so I really should speak to her. I don't really see the more distant relatives, except for the odd one or two.

    Hows things going anyway?
  13. With reference to Irish ancestry (*high fives distant relative*), you could perhaps go on a religious basis? Do you have Catholic or Protestant family history? If it's the former, like me, you're probably from the south. For the latter, the north.

    I know that there is a wall somewhere in Ireland that reads, 'Beware the evil O'Flaherty's!' - O'Flaherty being my nana's maiden name, heh.

    Irish ancestry ftw.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14