Conversation Between Firefly and Judge Magistrate

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  1. Hey,I am sorry that I am wayyy late on this but...Happy Be-lated Birthday! Hope your happy and healthy wherever you are
  2. Gnite Haylee, feel better okay. Love you.
  3. Lol. Tell her I said hi as well. I think imma go,I'm not feeling so good Nite.
  4. No, it's not fine, your my sister, I need to devote time to you also. My gf says high, she's playing FFVII, and I'm helping lol.
  5. Its fine lol. You got a girl now,you need to spend your time with her Don't worry bout me.
  6. I feel like I've let you down Haylee, I barely come on anymore. I'll try to get on more often so I can chat. Love you Haylee
  7. You have a gf now? Nice :3 I'm actually really really mad at the moment cuz we found out who stole some really expensive and valuable rings from if I ever see that man who did it I will ring his neck! >.<
  8. I can't agree more, it doesn't really feel like Christmas. However, having said that, Merry Christmas Eve. I've been fine, really busy with work, shopping with my gf, wrapping, and than pracitcing my singing. I'm glad your at least okay.
  9. Eh,its been..ok,but it rly doesn't feel like Christmas at all How about you?
  10. Oh, you know the usual lol. I'm glad your okay Haylee. How has the Christmas season been for you.
  11. *wipes forehead* Shew,I thought something happened to you tbh . And its alright as long as your back and ok,right?

    Edit: So..who you been kissing? jk
  12. My humblest apologies Haylee. Time has not been a friend to me of late. Than to make matters worse I was diagnosed with Mono. I'm finally free of all traces of the disease and I should be able to come on alot more. I missed you lot little sis, truly I did.
  13. Will..where are you? :S I miss my friend :'(
  14. Thank you. Better late than never,right? I miss you,too. I am sorry we never talk much anymore (
  15. A late happy birthday, but here it is Haylee. Happy Birthday, I miss you.
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