Conversation Between Dan558 and Angel of Iniquity

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Glad I could help.
  2. Now why couldn't I say it like that? O.o
    That was an excellent post lol.
    It won't let me give you a thanks for somereason o.o
  3. I wish I can just let it go so easily. I don't like when other people feel like they won.
    I don't care if I messed up, but boosting others egos I can't do.
    But you couldn't be more right about that. It seems everybody has to argue an opinion if it isn't theirs. *laughs*
    Ignorance is truly blissful.
  4. Oh yea its the main way people can fight back when you try and take the moral highground. They try to knock you down with incorrect or unrelated facts but since I never want to make these things research projects and several morons take them for their word askewing the thread it becomes unfightable so it seems like they win but really it`s just not worth it to fight with idiots.
  5. LOL
    neanderthal haha.
    Do people patronize you about your opinions? It freakin sucks when you can't say a damn word without being put on spot.
  6. A long time ago when i first joined I got in warnings for a thread similar to the War mongering thread when I was argueing against this big military neanderthal Sasquatch. Since then I`ve been slightly more careful here and havn`t got any warnings. I get banned from sites like MMOChamp or even the wow forums sometimes.
  7. LOL
    Yea haha, that's is weird lol
    I probably won't be here for long, unless I don't get any warnings but, ehh, I see myself getting tha ban card in under a week haha.
    Have you gotten any warnings or anything?
  8. It`s just a weird loophole that people think they can be INTOLERANT of your respectful intolerance.
  9. *laughs*
    Yea, and you'll end up with an warning, not them because you defended yourself haha.
    I am screen capturing everytime a post starts a flame and I will post it on youtube and show the admins and mods it. I want them to get a good look at it.
  10. It`s insane I feel the urge to fight in that post but it`s going to end up a lost cause more then the bullying one because of all the alcoholics I have seen on this site whos answer to everything is `have a beer`
  11. Thank you. In all my posts, my inputs get taken a stray for no apparent reason.
    But no, If I say something, I will get a warning. The Admins and Mods don't do a good time with their rules. THey need new ones who are unbiased. Look at what Rocky said on my page after posting arrogantly on a post.
  12. It`s dumb how people attacked you and blew your opinion out of proportion in the sobriety thread. I would give good rep for your answer but the site refuses to let me.
  13. Sry for really late reply haha.
    My game is a little hard to explain but, in the overall long term, you stop somebody from using something called dark matter from removing reality and becoming fate himself.
  14. *laughs*
    I guess so, I didn't know what he was talking about, but I guess i neg rep him and said something rude, which I don't remember .-.
  15. I don't care if you started it but that Selcopa guy is being a big ass now, eh? Anyways You never told me what your game is about or what program/code you are using.
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