Conversation Between Casanova[OCAU] and Sarah

3 Visitor Messages

  1. lol. Born again Atheist? We need more of those -_-
  2. haha thanks. yea i know this happens every year, and the fact is, you can't really change dyed in the wood religious conservatives, but it doesn't mean that it's pointless is the way i look at it i suppose. So i just tend to punch something in whenever i have a spare 10 mins
  3. Hey, just to confirm your comment about most atheists being raised religiously... I was, as well as all but one atheist I know. (I know several atheists and have considered starting a support group.) I was among the group that was once "brainwashed." Only reason I'm not backing you up in that thread is that I've been here too long and am so sick of posting things like this once a year.
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