Conversation Between OnOneRyder and nickness89

6 Visitor Messages

  1. honestly didn't mean it as an insult, sorry if that's how you took it
  2. Like I said, I'm no longer involved in the argument. And yeah, Scotland is pretty rough, and it's pretty petty that you'd resort to insulting someone's hometown because your opinion on a matter is threatened.

    Peace be with you, it sounds like you need it
  3. Feel free to present the evidence with references, I'd love to see it. If it is credible, I'll be more than willing to humble myself and admit I was wrong however I'm not too worried about that happening. You've got the leaders in the field you're arguing going against you, so you'd need to provide something profound. If all you're willing to do is provide opinion and then refuse to give evidence for your arguments then you should probably not enter discussions on scientific matters because it's not a field where opinions matter, so bring something to the table.

    You're right must not have been a threat, just a warning that Scotland is a rough place huh? I'll be sure of that if I visit.
  4. It wasn't a threat, so that entire statement is now void and null. oh, and fyi, i'm not in the slightest emo, or a teenager, pfft

    Look, if you think Wikipedia is the be all and end all to prove that we are apes, then it's not my brain that's underdeveloped. Don't be such a neanderthal, act like a proper human, and don't be a prick, it just makes you look like you're having a defensive whine because i'm trying to prove you wrong. Which i'm not even going to bother to even try anymore, you're obviously too small-minded to accept that there's more evidence and proof to show that we are descended from one man and woman (human genetics) and not apes

    The End. If you wish to argue further, then carry on, you will be talking to my inbox, not me

    P.S. Grow up, you're not a child, so stop acting like one.
  5. I'm lucky I'm in another country, what is that some sort of threat from an angsty emo teen? I'd respond to that if I felt the least bit of intimidation but I literally laughed when I saw your picture, needless to say I'd have no worries from you even if you were my next door neighbour.

    And we are part of the great apes family, perhaps you should read a little further than the first few lines if your incompetent underdeveloped brain allows you to accomplish such tasks.
  6. Do you know what, you're lucky you're in another country from me, thinking you can go around calling people morons aye? I can just picture you as the type to have a jizz attack at the concept of becoming top in math class. Grow up, don't harrass people, and get a grip.

    FYI - We are NOT apes. Even as Wikipedia claims (in the page you referenced to me) we are not apes, it is IMPLIED that we MAY have a distant ancestor.

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