Conversation Between Pete and Meier Link

108 Visitor Messages

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  1. Love you, brother.
  2. Hahah brother. Yeah the beard has gotten long as heck. Randomly leave the forum to come back a hill billy hahah. More like I transgressed back into my purest of forms; metal head biker lol.
  3. ****in mountain man over here
  4. Whats up brosef
  5. LMAO. Hopin on a plane right now. Need a few PBRs before that act can be performed though haha.
  6. Come to NY for an Eiffel Tower!
  7. Not complaining about that at all haha. The only down fall to have money is the fact that there is a lot that I want and still don't have enough to buy all of it hahaahaaa. Damn I sound like such a girl right now haha.
  8. Ouch. That's rough, but I guess the money has to be good.
  9. I agree. Finding a day that I don't have to work will be the fun part for me. We are about to go back to mandatory OT probably for the next four months.
  10. soon. I know I keep saying it, but we have to do it one day soon lol
  11. When?
  12. Toga?
  13. Haha. Not sure. Could be a possibility but am doubting it.
  14. You think Starfighter knows Silver?
  15. We shall see. I doubt it though
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 108
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