Conversation Between Bubblegum and lovehearty42

7 Visitor Messages

  1. No... he is not mah kitteh... ; ; He was my friend's cat, but he had to be given away. Symba has a new home with a nice family.
  2. True. The Royals basically do nothing expect look fancy and pretend that they care.

    Btw is that your fluffy orange cat in the profile piccy ? Omg it's sooo cute !!
  3. Meh. Royalty is useless. Give me a seat in Parliament any day before a place in a royal court.
  4. No no xD I meant the Queen of England lols. Who knows ? You might have royal blood in your veins from a great-great-great Grandfather or something. xD
  5. lol I'm not a queen! I'm just a girl.
  6. Funny isn't it !? =3 rofl you funny queen !
  7. Your "Nobles" signature is now the wallpaper on my desktop!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7