Conversation Between DJSanders23 and loner-kid

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Well I suppose I'll have to combat this. hmm let's see

    Sexy Zombie Car Wash | I Am Bored

    take that and go cry in a corner
  2. saw this and thought of you dunno why just did

    YouTube - FFVIIAC Nightwish - Planet Hell

  3. I make no promises
  4. okay Mouse the battle is on please stay within the boundries of sanity this time.
  5. The irony of it is you are standing behind me as i post this
  6. sorry 12
  7. GAH! fine i really need to give FF10 back sometime
  8. fine, and how're you doing
  9. hey Mouse how are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9