Conversation Between FeyLenne13 and Michael Swayne

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Belated Happy Birthday Sorry I'm so late. I have white rabbit syndrome lol. Hope you had a good one.
  2. Thanks.
  3. I'm glad you made it back online. Good luck with your other computer!
  4. Yes, I have my computer fixed. More like replaced, actually. It got a virus from Facebook, and then it competely fried. After three relatives, two technicians, and myself, I decided to get a new one. I am still going to get my old one fixed...eventually.
  5. get your computer fixed? What happened to it?
  6. You can get a code from websites (I found one on that will allow you to play Final Fantasy IX online from the PlayStation Network. It is easiest to go from Amazon and buy it, and cheaper too (they don't charge tax). I guess if you buy it, it will send you a link to download it onto your PS3.
  7. I haven't played them either. I heard a rumor that FF9 had an online version too. Have you heard anything like that?
  8. I looked for competitions today, and all I found were the comparative sales of each Final Fantasy game from country to country. I would think that you might find a competition with FFXI and FFXIV (since they are online games), but I haven't played them, so I wouldn't know.
  9. If you do find any competitions for playing FF I'd love to know about them!
  10. I understand exactly how you feel. That's why it says "Wants to play FF every day!". Some days I don't get to, just that I want to. I agree that it is too bad a person can't get paid to play FF. I guess the only way to get paid would be to be a Beta tester, but those jobs are really hard to get. Still, maybe if there was a competition to maybe get the characters to a certain level, or the fastest playthrough, or finding certain items, or... I don't know, anything. It would make playing have another element of fun.
  11. Lol I love you "Wants to play FF every day!" I try to but sometimes there is just too much to do in one day. Too bad one can't make a living out of playing FF all day long.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11