Conversation Between Dranzer and Pete

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I know right? That's what I'm saying.

    I registered late, mid/late-morning/early afternoon would have been better, but I work evenings anyway so at least it doesn't change my schedule too much. I'm not a morning person unless there's coffee. Then, it's a possibility.

    & that's pretty much my agenda, only I haven't figured out where to fit in the gym yet. I guess I'll find out, but the drinking's easier haha.
  2. Oh man, those were the good ole days.

    Evening classes are most certainly an excuse to be irresponsible the night before. I was a big fan of the afternoon classes, until I started working and going to class. Then I was all about getting work and class done as early as possible, and then hitting the gym, followed by some drinking
  3. Twenty years ago?! That's craziness, I'm only twenty-two, but still I thought I was a little bit older when that came out. Ya know, back when Nickelodeon was still called Nickelodeon and MTV still played legitimate music. . And I thought that was an eye patch on your head lol.

    I'm okay, bored on a break at work. It's the last night before school starts, too, so I haven't decided if I'm going to be totally responsible tonight or not; I have evening classes on Mondays so I'm leaning towards not so much.
  4. Haha, I know! I love Doug, saw a reference to it online and felt obligated to bring it back. When I found out it came out 20 years ago, it made me feel pretty old too, and I'm only 25! As for everything else, I'm good. Just detoxing after a good two nights of drinking with my old college buddy. And I had to rock the floaties. I was dressed up like a pirate!

    How's everything with you?
  5. Haha I like your avatar. Kinda makes me feel old lol, that used to
    be one of my favorite shows. How're you?

    PS- Nice floaties
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