Conversation Between Dragoon_Nick and Halie

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. lmao XD Don't people over there use 'oi'? Wooowwwww...dude. You should force everyone to start using it. But not George, 'cause that's MY word! lol.
  2. Its just you know, using the word "oi" and "george"'re worries XD
  3. How can you tell the difference between English writing and Canadian? I personally can't =/ lol.
  4. Your english - accent-ish writing is very cool...
  5. Now, now - be nice to the iccle snails. They're your family, your friends. Your tribe, your club, your RELIGION!! o.o

    And also because of our convo with Charlotte and the snail who's name I can't remember...I think it was Jimmy...or Bob...o.o. Anyway. Yeah

    And oi, snails are hansom!! Those poor'll be turning them emo after long!
  6. You are an evil person....

    Why am i snailboy? Thats disgusting..snails...eww...

    I mean, i'm so handsome...
  7. Laugh, Snailboy - You shall laugh!
  8. I shall what amy lee?
  9. Aye. Hahaha, you shall.
  10. Hahaha
  11. Crap, here comes the horniness -_-;;
  12. Call me whatever you want baby...
  13. Oooh! Dude, I want Amy Lee! Woo. Mah nickname's Amy Lee Goo mee

    And mah actual name is Halie -_- Pronounced like -Hah-ll-ee -_-

    ...Either ways, thanks ...Snailboy . Or Peter Griffin. Both work perfectly fine. =P lol.
  14. Amy lee? Your nickname....or Haley....take your pic...
  15. Amy??? o.o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 24
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