Conversation Between Angel of Iniquity and HUNK

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. ooooh, brutal.

    If you need to take abreak or somthing I guess I could when stuff like that happens.
  2. *anger face*
    I just wrote a whole thread on our battle. Apparently, I lost momentary connection and everything I wrote was lost. It took me 30 minutes to do that.
    Anger... pure wrought anger...
  3. I think it'd be easier to react to a situation rather than to make the situation so why don't you begin.
  4. Cool, great.
    And yep, it will be awesome fighting your character.
    Who should post the fighting thread first, you or me?
    If I post first, I set up the story, if you post first, same thing, you post the story.
  5. Alright, I've posted my character.

    If you're okay, we can start.
  6. You're seriously willing to do that?

    Cool, I'll see what I can come up with.
  7. *laughs*
    Sorry, it's kinda comparable to clouds in game abilities.
    My bad guys in my game are a little to strong, but I will attempt to weaken a few and post Character 2.
    If you want, you can post your holy knight if you wish.
  8. I'm sorry, but upon looking over your character, I've decided I'd wish not to fight him.

    A. I usually like to take the light or "Holy" side of good or evil.
    B. He has simply way to many ablilities.
    C. I would feel to invincible if I made a character who could counter all or at least some of his abilities.

    If you want to edit your character, then I'll happily still participate, but I can completly understand if you don't want to.
    In Blood,
    Andrew J. Bealor
  9. Don't worry, I'm going to completly edit my character...(grrr.....)

    Just needed to take a break before hand.
  10. *laughs*
    Well, think about it like this.
    Guns move dam fast, and unless the other person has some type of unwordly ability to react in time, it is instant death. Actaully, arrows aren't allowed either, unless personal request haha
  11. Wait! Guns arn't alowed!!!
    I just based my entier characters fighting style on guns....AHHHHHHH!!!
  12. Hmm, okay.
    Well, my character I have made for my video I am creating, so I have allot to him, but chose to cut a large portion of his power due to the present of godmodding haha
    I think guns aren't allowed, but, My character may be able to "dodge" a gunshot.
    I use a sword, and white matter as main conduit of attacks.
  13. I'm pretty much one of two stereotypes.
    1. A holy knight who is just and will fight to the end.
    2. A gun weilding person who has come from the present.
    (I don't want to seem overpowering though...I think I will chose the latter. I'll post a charecter statistic.)
  14. Hmm, well, my character is more like a FF6-9 character.
    Let's see, he doesn't like anything that has to do with darkness at all and won't hesitate to fight them. Has minor magic, has great techs, Hmm.
    Well, what is your character going to be based of from?
  15. Well there were a few things I'd like to ask before I place my statistics.

    I'd like to know a bit about the story behind the fight. I'm quite the sucker for doing things about warriors who have come from the future and happen upon older generation warriors who think they are demons or somthing of the sort.
    I just don't want to make a character who seems ill-equipt for the battle at hand.

    Any story ideas?
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