Conversation Between icemageofkatrac and Fate

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, It seems... unnecassary
    Oh, and never played Star Ocean... looks cool lol
  2. so too much jp?
    btw, the picture below is Fayt's Ethereal Blast
  3. what exactly is that?
  4. posting on a dead link on a journal lol, lococolt, aw well. why do you care?
  5. aww, who gave you warning? n 4 what?
  6. Aww you shouldnt have lol
  7. u r very welcome!
  8. Aw, a pity message for me? thanks lol
  9. Aww, I feel bad for you! TWO days and still no messages!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10