Conversation Between Martin and Dimi

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Fishie! You too man, hope you got what you wanted, and that Mrs Claus... she's a hottie eh

  2. Merry Christmas, Martin!
  3. Haha yeah xD
    He's beating them off with a stick as it is
  4. Serious. It just flows so well. I bet the ladies are already going to chase after him soon as he gets older.
  5. Hahaha I can pick a name I think. Thanks man
  6. "Caesar Augustus Eduardo Dimitri Dipster Cullen III..." I LOVE it dude!
  7. Consider the application approved.

  8. Join him on his last day before matrimony grabs him by the balls. If you have any questions or concerns or drink recommendations, contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859.
  9. I'm sooooo late but I hope you had an awesome birthday pal!

    I raised a glass or 12, and by the way loved the VM! It was extremely close to real life
  10. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
  11. God my spelling sucked last night. I sincerely apologise for that...

    Job-hunting eh. Bah, I know the trouble THAT can be. I'm lucky to be spending so much time in my place of work, that I've effectively become part of the furniture and therefore pretty much impossible to remove haha. I wish you the very very best of luck with that

    Myself? I'm getting there thanks. Can't complain too much I guess. Ha, well a bit tired but other than that... Keep me updated on the job front eh?
  12. Haha. Life's been okay so far. I have a job interview Monday with Carl's Jr. It's a fast-food place out here. I've applied at other places and I will do some more job-hunting in case I don't get it.

    How's things with you?
  13. Fishie! Been rather awhile my friend, how is life for you these days? NOt spent tpp long at the end of a rod I hope
  14. Man Fish, I've spent soooo long recovering... it was worth it though

    Oh man I know it's rather belated but a happy birthday to your mother! Cake is always goog, even when milky haha. Plus ice cream always makes up for anything, my mummy dearest makes her own and it's so sweet I'm scared it'll put her in a diabetic coma but hell it's lovely

    Take it easy my friend
  15. Haha. Awesome. Have you been partying too much?

    I'm doing good. Just on MSN and posting around here a bit. Just got done eating cake. Today's my mom's B-Day and the cake's all sogged in milk. >< It's alright I guess. The ice cream's not that bad though.
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