Conversation Between ChloChloAriadne and RagnaToad

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Welcome back, biatch.

    The colors on your profile are somewhat annoying by the way.
  2. Happy birthday, enjoy today and omre of that cliche crap

    spread peace and love across the world!

  3. Yeah, real possible, once I start talking I babble on and on.

    Do you have like an old avy from like 1,5 years ago. I might remember better.
    Though the Al Bhed Psycho name sounds reaeaeally familiar.
  4. We talked a lot in signature/avatar threads. Probably a bit of spam chat, talk through PMs. Little things.
  5. That DOES ring a bell.

    Were we involved in something together?
  6. You may remember me as Al Bhed Psycho or Rumour.Delirium?
  7. Cool thx.

    Was your name always like this?
    Cause I don't remember you (o_O; )
  8. I remember you XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8