Conversation Between Dimi and Fate

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't think it has in a while. Although, I recall hearing something about hail during the spring when it was nearly raining for a whole week. Its not as severe though with windows nearly shattering. We do get a lot of earthquakes out here though.
  2. Yep, semi-large hail. I thought the the window would shatter when it fell. XX It doesn't hail in Cali?
  3. Hail too? WTF? Haha. That's insane!
  4. I stopped playing them after Emerald because I didn't have a DS, but now that I recently got one, I'm catching up. God, playing through the DS ones makes me SO nostalgic. T.T
    Haha, well, when you're kind of out of things to do... ^_^" Ah, you live in California? The weather's off there, too? I live in Colorado and it's been crazy. We never used to get these stormy weathers so much, but now it's like every week there's a thunderstorm, tornado, hail, heavy rain, and then some flood warnings.
  5. Pokemon! I haven't played those games in years. I remember when everyone had the cards and stuff. I think that was about 12 years ago. Haha. What a way to make myself look old. And summer boring? Whaaaatt. The only bad thing about my summer so far is the weather. It's hot one day then really cold. Not to mention that I live in California and the weather isn't usually like this.
  6. xD I worked hard for this title.
    Ah, nothing much, I don't suppose. I'm just playing Pokemon now while browsing online. Summer is getting to the point where it's kind of boring, you know? T.T
    How about you? =)
  7. "I hold the highest number of Visitor Messages on TFF. =D" Holy shit. You do. Haha. What's up?
  8. Have a happy birthday!
  9. Of course the fish would. If some old dude started attacking Nemo, don't you think those little kids would go piling up on him? They'd all be like, "AHH!! That old freak's killing Nemo!!"
  10. Damn. Disney ripped off the name. I wonder which Nemo would win....
  11. It's funny how famous that little fishie is, huh? I mean, Nemo, the character from something something Leagues Under The Sea came first, but I'm sure if you google Nemo, the fish would be the first to pop up! It's horrible how modern things today that share the same name as old thing instantly take their glory away.
  12. Haha. Alright then.

    There's actually a funny story a friend of mine was telling me the other day when she went to Seaworld with a friend of hers. She was in those underground aquariums and was looking at the clownfishes. She sees this one clownfish that looks like as if it was dead was it wasn't floating (I think fish do float when they're dead.) Anyways, there's these kids that are next to her and she was telling her friend, "I hope these kids don't think I think they're thinking." And then the kids look at the fish and were like "NEMO'S DEAD!!! NEMO'S DEAD!!!"
  13. Here's my current thought process, though: You are: funny, famous, and you've got the "fish" in your name. So, a funny fish would be a clownfish, and a famous clownfish is Nemo, hence my new nickname for you! Nemo!^^
  14. Haha. I've been thinking about changing my name on here. I've been over the "Fishie" thing for a while. And even through numerous name changes, people still call me Fishie on here. It can't escape me.
  15. Nemo. That's my new name for you!
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