Conversation Between Rocky and Azuteor

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, thanks Rocky!
  2. Happy Birthday Miguel, hope you're having a good one!
  3. Lol, did you smoke teh weed while listening to his album?
  4. Honestly I don't think he does know how to play, but I think they were more relating to the way his music speaks to the mind's of other people, so he may have some merit there. His first CD, Man on the Moon: End of the Day is quite the trip though, something that must be listened to it's entirety. RUN not walk to the nearest store and buy
  5. Man, he's good, but I don't know about being the next Hendrix! With all the electric guitarists we have now, that's a big overstatement. >>;;; I would assume that is just all acting or does Kid Cudi know how to play the guitar? Hopefully better than Lil' Wayne!

    I think I'll go ahead and purchase it!
  6. haha very nais!! Yeah after that video, people have been saying how he could become the Hendrix of our generation; not sure what I think of that but I do know hes pretty ballin. Check out his first CD though, imo its overall better than the 2nd.
  7. I just recently got into Kid Cudi. I first saw him on his "Erase Me" video when he was dressed up as Hendrix. I'm lovin' his style!
  8. exactly what I was going for
  9. Thanks mang We gotta get some skype going down again sometime haha
  10. Happy birthday dawg!
  11. herp derp, I don't know what was wrong me at the time. O-O;

    Oh yeah! I was still in middle school, haha.
  12. hahaha, blackrose eh? you dog you
  13. Thanks man!!
  14. happy birthday! hope everything is going well for you sir
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