Conversation Between Rhaps and Zargabaath

113 Visitor Messages

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  1. Work. Just got home from my shift. And currently organizing a meet up with my friends.
  2. We're running 2.5 because that's our DM's favourite ruleset.
    What will you be up to today?
  3. More eventful than my night. Though I have a few things lined up for tomorrow. I just got to pick what I would like to do. Regarding D&D, were you using 3rd edition or 4th edition rules? I'm not a big D&D player but I have dabbled in it primarily through a friend whom is big into playing.
  4. Not much, been trying to figure out what to do with my career life. Just got home from a Dungeons and Dragons meeting, and now contemplating how women work. Average Friday night haha.
  5. I'm doing well. Recently returned from NY. Went up to see my family there. I had a pretty good time. I've started to get into Comics. Actually purchasing and all. Got a few currently.

    What's up with you?
  6. I forgot to thank you for the birthday wishes! Also, we haven't chatted in forever. How are you?
  7. Happy Birthday lad.
  8. Moneys!!!! One book I need to get is the Necronomicon. I read the first three short stories in it as my friend owns a copy & they got better each time.
  9. I saw a copy of "Beyond the Wall of Sleep," today at a comic book convention. It was 1st edition, mint condition, and a cool $1.5k
  10. I'm going to try to visit eventually and we are making plans on living together. One of the first things she needs to do is go to a Veteran Affairs Office down there so she can get either disability for her legs or surgery.
  11. I know, I'm waiting for the bad, which can very easily come about any day if I'm not careful

    I've been considering looking for a new job, but my friend keeps convincing me the one I have now is the best paying one I can get for now.

    Well at it's good she has a secure place to go to. Do you think you'll be able to visit her/ have her come closer to where you live?
  12. Girlfriend returned from BCT. Didn't have a place to stay here which was stressful. Luckily she contacted her dad before heading in. Now she is currently on her way to Florida where her grandfather and youngest uncle live. I believe her dad is moving down there as well since his wife and him couldn't end their spat. His wife wasn't keen on his daughter being in his life all of a sudden (long story).

    I got a somewhat better job, better hours at least and have another interview this Saturday for a different job. And I'll be taking summer courses.

    It's nice when a big problem is solved and done with. Allows for some relief, until life abruptly decides to play "bad".
  13. Yeah, one of my biggest problems was laid to rest, I finished paying off my bass, and I finished my college exams for the semester
    How about you?
  14. Anything good with your life lately?
  15. I'm not sure about which version is easier. My high score comes from the original game. The first version also has a reset button "r" if you know you are about to die that way if your score is too low you could replay that life over. The Heavy Metal version doesn't have that as far as I have seen. I've tried it and it hasn't worked. There is a christmas version for the ipad/iphone (i-something) that I haven't played.
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