Conversation Between Dan558 and Zargabaath

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Also forgot that I found that the northern states had abolished slavery starting from the 1820s'-30s up to the war. New Jersey, if I recall correctly, was the last northern state to do so. Showing that the north wanted to abolish slavery.

    I also looked at global trends as slavery was falling on the wayside at the same time period. The abolitionist movement was really focused in England, the U.S. wasn't far behind. But the western world really put a stop on the slave trade. And the more I looked up the time period the more it looked like slavery/racism was a deeply rooted cause for the Civil War. The Bleeding Kansas incident was about if the state would be pro or anti slavery. That took place in 1850s. As I kept researching I could see the dots connecting everything to slavery in some way.
  2. Thanks. After doing more research just in case the topic really sprang up again I learned some stuff. Like how the southern states cried foul over the north stepping on "State's Rights" yet the Southern states used the Constitution (federal) as a means to keep slavery.

    There are also quotes I found of Lincoln's that really make his stance on racism/slavery ambiguous because he says stuff that is racist but then something that demeans racism/slavery.
  3. I think you make so many excellent points in the Confederate flag = racist thread. I don't think sasquatch does a very good job at tearing your points apart either. I'm no history buff, especially an American one but I think its a little crazy he tries to claim the Civil War had next to nothing at all to do with slavery as he so strongly suggests.
    I would of given you rep+ but the option dosn't appear to me in "Intellectual discussion" at the moment and I'll have to give out more rep before I can give it to you again somewhere else. It will come though.
    All i can say right now is that the confederate flag looks cool but I would never publicly fly it because of the earned stigmatism about it. Like you or someone else said it's like flying the Nazi flag, they stood for a lot of things other then Jewish and other killing and world domination but you'd be stupid/unpatriotic/insane to fly it because of its reputation it earned.
  4. I know. I've done research on the game. That was a common complaint of the game. I don't mind an open world/story. That's one of the reason my friend likes the game. He likes other Mana games as well.

    One day, with a steady stream of funds, I'll get old Mana & SaGa games that I want to play.
  5. I see, well its a good game, but like I said in the new game thread, don't expect a huge cohesive story, It's more of a bunch of little stories
  6. Never played the game, though I do want to one day. My friend is a big fan of Legend of Mana. I was hanging out with him one day while he was playing. Thought I would suggest the game.
  7. So you liked Legend of Mana? What was your favorite place and ally? Did you use pets or Golems?
  8. The confusing part for me was she had quoted me but her words after that was on the subject matter of Angel of Iniquity post in regards to Silver's most recent post.
  9. yea it seemed a bit confusing, it really didn't make much sense to whoever she was talking to, cause unless you edited your post it seems like you did have your references too. It seemed like not to many other people were confused so even if she was talking to you, you probably had enough info so people knew what you were saying. lol now I may sound confusing...
  10. I already asked her about that, she was not talking to me.
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