Conversation Between Hyzenthlay and Taco-Calamitous

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  1. Yes, close it please. I'll start with it all asap. Probably tomorrow. Just busy with work at the moment. It's a massive headache. Ha ha.
  2. You still doing that awards thing? The last day for voting was yesterday; should I close it, or are you gonna do something else with that thread?
  3. Thank you. =] Glad you liked it. I added new categories if you have time to go back and fill in those, ha ha.
  4. Sounds cool. Let me know if someone's being stupid in your thread and I don't seem to be paying attention, or if you need some other help.
  5. Well then, you sure told me.
  6. No lies at all!!

    It is done by Obsidian Entertainment.

    As for the online content:

    Original Fallout developer and publisher, Interplay, has finally officially announced a new MMO to be based on the series, Fallout: Online - and is now recruiting beta testers.

    Interplay has long been rumoured to be working on a Fallout MMO, but has faced financial and legal troubles after selling the rights to the franchise to Bethesda, who have licensed rights to an MMO back to Interplay.

    Interplay was only able to secure the rights to the MMO after proving that it would be able to pay royalties to Bethesda, achieve a minimum of $30 million USD in funding and get the project into full-scale development - all within two years.

    Fallout: Online is being co-developed by Masthead Studios, though much of the work is being done internally at Interplay and original Fallout designer Chris Taylor has joined the project as a Lead System Designer.

    The official Fallout: Online website is now accepting sign-ups for beta testers, but makes no mention of when the closed beta will kick off. Interplay has said that a public beta will begin in 2012 however - hinting at a long development cycle.

    What else did I say, oh yes less mutation:

    Background on FallOut: New Vegas

    Fallout: New Vegas will take place in 2280, 3 years after Fallout 3 and 203 years after the Great War of 2077, making this installment the chronologically latest in the series thus far.
    The game is set in post-apocalyptic Las Vegas, Nevada, bringing the series back to its West Coast roots. However, the city was not struck directly by a nuclear attack like most other American cities in the Fallout universe, resulting in less damage to the city and the degree of mutation of its inhabitants to be minimal, though in a recent preview by OXMOnline it can be noted that the writer describes the city of Las Vegas as a “near decimated” ruin. The Las Vegas of the Fallout time line was unlike the one that is known today. In the divergent timeline Vegas didn’t become the decadent gambling capital that we know it as today, rather it remained as the holiday resort that it was in the 50’s; with the Teaser Trailer showing several large high rise building, perhaps once being hotels or casinos.
    The city is divided between two main opposing factions: the New California Republic (NCR), based in the McCarran Airport, and Caesar’s Legion, a slaver group based on the decaying Las Vegas Strip, with factions such as The Brotherhood of Steel and the Supermutants of the state of Utolbitha playing a secondary role. Landmarks to be featured in Fallout: New Vegas include the Hoover Dam, which is active and supplying power to the city, the Lucky 38 hotel; a structure which resembles the real life Stratosphere Las Vegas hotel and casino, and the Helios One solar energy plant; the Fallout world’s take on The Solar Project, with the effects of the divergent timeline having a profound effect on this particular locale.
    The game centers around the player’s main character known as ‘the Courier,’ who has been nearly killed by an unknown assailant and left in a shallow grave. After being discovered in the grave by a TV robot named Victor, the Courier is patched up by a ‘Doctor Mitchell’ in the nearby town of Goodsprings. At this point the player allocates skill points, chooses their name, sex, age,and appearance, before embarking upon their quest to find out who had tried to kill them, and why.

    I read everything about FallOut.

    Aimee wins!
  7. No lies.
  8. Lies!!
  9. I got tired of being the Taco. Too silly. Hellfire is a little bit better.

    Plus, I love confusing people! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  10. Why mum, why?

    Your daughter is outraged that she didnt recognise one of her friends' names.
    I was liek "who the feck is hellfire!?"
  11. Chickens are the bastion of EVIL!! I would gladly represent them for such a dark cause! My cackling would be as one with their clucking, as I obliterated the accursed road what caused my torment! ...anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  12. Trouble. NOt if you go in the dead of night dressed as a chicken! Just thought I'd throw that idea out there .

    I accepted you. You are now officially my friend. Ha ha ha. Eeeee, it is nice to make new friends.

    Wuv, Yer Daughter
  13. That kind of idea sounds like something that would get me in trouble. I would probably have to find a sledgehammer, too.

    You're a cool, friendly person. Let's be friends!

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  14. HA HA HA HA. Oh, your poor pelvis. Did it get quite the beating? Just go back with a sledgehammer and beat the asphault to pieces.

    I'm warm in my house. Outside it's freezing. We dont really get nice weather in Manchester, ha ha ha. I'm toasty in my house so I'm good.

    Wuv, Yer Daughter.
  15. Don't feel bad; the ice is evil. We don't get it a lot around here, so I'm not used to walking on it. I tried mostly to stay off it, but there were a few places where I had to walk on it. Like across a highway... that was fun. The right side of my pelvis enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Hope you are somewhere warm and not icy! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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