Conversation Between Alice and Doc Rocco

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Maybe I do.

    Then again, maybe I don't. XD
  2. I am VMing joo. You like my VMs eh? =P

  3. Here's that copy of my VM I sent to Xeim you wanted. =P

    Hello Xeimy! You gets wuv!!! <33333333333333333333333333333

  4. Aye. I like stuff. That stuff, this stuff.

    Oh stuff it.

    Hows stuff?
  5. I hate coffee. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE![/Kefka]

    Do you like stuff?
  6. Yesh. I do. Wow. Never thought I would... [trying to make conversation] do you like coffee? [fails to make conversation]
  7. Yay! Bean has the TFF convo thingy in his sig! YAYS! =DDD
  8. Rocco needs a VM.
    From me anyway. I dunno why I haven't lately.
    What the hell am I saying. Enjoy this extremely random...VM.
  9. Sorry dude, its just I can't find good topics to post in, no offence...I'd post but most don't catch my interest...most I've seen more than once anyhoo...repeats of the original.

    Poor Rocco. Doesn't have a big reputation. Sad, sad...keep trying and you'll get that extra dot! XD
  10. Wow. My post count is higher than yours. I just noticed. I'm an Oracle now. =D Of course, you have much more rep than me... ;-; Only 23 points until I get another vomit dot I think?
  11. How sad. The last VM you got was before we knew you weren't related to us... Oh well. I bring good news! You get the Rocco Seal of Approval for saving chat logs!!!!
  12. Again double post. Oh well. I cannot rep you, so this will suffice. And yays for the phone.
  13. Hahaha! The club lives on! And you said it was dead! That Phoenix Down you used last night must have worked!
  14. Double post, and I could use the official thread, but...

    ♫Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Zero! Happy Birthday to you!
  15. New VM for you. Mostly because the threads at the moment are, quite frankly, a little crap. So I am giving out VMs to people instead of getting 200 posts. *sigh* Create a decent thread. I need 200 posts. Or I will mercilessly attack anything you write. =P

    Just kidding! But seriously, make a half decent thread.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 16
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