Conversation Between Fate and Asectic

65 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you very much! =D
  2. happy birthday!
  3. Damm, how do they notice so fast! D:<
    Pepper? That sounds spicy. Is it?
    Second last year though right? I find school to be such a drag sometimes
  4. It's not so much that I'm busy, but I get so easily distracted! XD

    And thankies for the user note, by the way. i saw it one hour after you posted. ;3

    I had a cold, too...for about three weeks. Have you tried cayenne pepper? And nawww, I'm not at my final year yet. =P
  5. Learning? Wow you must be busy. I don't see you that much around anymore D:!

    I'm fine. Right now trying to battle down a cold. Nothing too serious. :3 I take it you're in the second last year of HS?
  6. I know! =0

    I'm doing fantastic! I'm learning to appreciate precious sleep. xD

    And how are you?
  7. omg! I haven't talked to you in forever!
    How's it going?
  8. Reply from old: Yeah sure, but I think the series are done now. The ending was not what I ecpected. Harry and Ginny, Ron and that smart girl they were with the whole series. I thought that Harry was going to end up with someone he deserved after all his fights

    Anyways, happy new year
    I had a 2 week break over the holidays. How was yours?
  9. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I was planning on reading it. Though, there have been a ton of variations of it, haven't there?
    Maybe they already started working on it? But I see what you mean. They should have just notified people of it, not give an exact date of release. xD
    i thought the seventh book was the final one already? But if not, I'm guessing as long as the author is alive, it'll continue? Then again, the author of Gone With the Wind died, but another person wrote a sequel. Maybe someone will write for Rowling after she dies and the movies will continue?
  10. Well, around 100 to 200. I forgot
    I didn't think that they actually had a schedule for these things. If it were me, I'd do things at my own pace. Rather make better quality of it then just for the money ^-^
    I'd just wonder how the last harry potter series will turn out. There was a lot of major scenes for that one and making it about 2 hours long o-O I'd be surprised if they'd have to make it really good. THe last one didn't have much too action :/
  11. Haha. xD
    Is the novella really that short? I mean, I've always thought of it to be 300+ pages long, but from what I've seen of it, it's barely 100 pages. Oo
    The U.S. is going through its vampire trend now, isn't it? =P I heard the next one of the saga will be released in 200+ days.
  12. LOL Knowing you, I bet that you'd have to turn 5 pages back to see yesterday's xD
    Well yeah, I guess. But the story's too preidicble for me. The number of times I read it in class xD
    I want to watch New Moon. Not that like I'm really crazy about it, its just that I want to see how it is before judging how it is before critizing it. I know some friends who always think that the book is bad because of its writing style :/ But personally, the story's really not that bad.
  13. Whoop. Didn't see this. xD Very late response, but A Christmas Carol, I heard, was really, really good.
  14. Nice
    Do you have any upcoming movied you plan to watch later?
  15. How could I have expected good service from such an isolated and derlict place? xD

    I went trick-or-treating. It was a lot of fun! =D
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