Conversation Between Lady Rika and Leon

9 Visitor Messages

  1. We got her when she was really little, so I don't think she's been fixed.

    Can't say I feel your pain, but I can only imagine how you feel about your cat.
  2. Unless they're fixed then its different but I think it goes both ways boys like to wander, find girlfriends and stalk out their territory.
  3. My family owns a little female cat, and what they would do is give her a pink collar. Females, in our opinion, are less likely to get stolen because there's always the chance of them wandering off and trying to get kittens. At least that's what we think.
  4. My life isn't complete unless there is a cat in it, I already have a dog. He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ritsuka. He is around five but I asked my boyfriend Josh for a little dog plus I saw a Pomeranian and fell in love with the cuteness. The one thing I can't stand with cats is the litterbox, ugh, stinky. But my cat Seth goes outside.

    My female cat Disturbia was stolen from me and I was so heartbroken. Thats never happened to me before.
  5. Puppies! Actually I stand in the middle when it comes to owning dogs. It'll be fun to have something to play with and something that can defend you, but the mess would be terrible. I'm more of a cat person but I still love dogs.
  6. April 24th?
    Yes that is my real birthday and its coming up soon, I asked for a puppy but I doubt i'll be getting it. Peh.
  7. You're right, I AM good. But I usually just friend people (it's a verb too, you know) when I have a feeling I'd get along with them. Plus, you share a birthday with an old friend. (If THAT really is your birthday.)
  8. Pish posh.
    I get along with everyone, you know many of the same people I do which must make you a good person. I am surprised you requested me as a friend. ^^
  9. You actually accepted me? Did someone hit you on the head before you made the decision? O.O

    Just kidding (again), and you'll read that a lot from me. But if you can get used to that we'll get along JUST fine. Maybe.
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