Conversation Between Alther Primus and ViviMasterMage

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  1. Wassup bro! Been awhile, but I intend to stick around this time XD
  2. LOL, what all do you have? (I have SCV, WWE 2010/11, Tekken 6, LBP2, MK9, and, somewhere, LBP1.
  3. BRACKETCEPTION! Buy some games for your PS3 and hit me up sometime. ;3
  4. Yo! VMM! Happy birthday! (No seriously, have a good birthday, or else...(jk(Wow, a bracket in a bracket in a bracket LOL!)))
  5. OMG! Alther, you beautiful boy! I haven't seen you or heard from you in so long.
  6. Wassssuuuuuuup!!!
  7. What's up VMM?
  8. ROFLMBO! Nah, dude, just got caught up in other things

    Good to be talking to you too! I'm editing artwork for CoC, just as preliminary concepts, would you like to see what I have for you so far?
  9. OMG! Alther, you beautiful boy! I haven't seen you or heard from you in so long. I thought you hated me!

    It's good to hear from you~! What are you doing, dude? =D
  10. Wassup!?

    What happened? You no like me no more?
  11. I would HARDLY called that a kick in the nuts dude, a 0, yes, but I was simply saying.
  12. About the avatar? A 6? x'(
  13. Huh?
  14. Kick me in the nuts, why don'tcha?
  15. Hey PMTH!
    I came up with a Dissidia Movelist if you want to look. (For Zasalamel from Soulcaliber!)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 799
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