Conversation Between RAG and zSoraz

8 Visitor Messages

  1. dont i go back to hallow bastion and then to cp world but nothing is happening over there
  2. k, I'm getting YIM. Talk to ya on that
  3. yea i have yim its [email protected] i need to get a new aim i havent been on in ages
  4. Lol, you have an MSN or AIM for IMing?
  5. yea you can hit me up whenever you want im never too busy lol
  6. Too bad we there isn't anymore we can do to help. Group chats are fun. ^_^
  7. ok thats cool man:-)
  8. If you need any more KH help, be sure to PM me. I know those games from head to toes. ^_^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8