Conversation Between Taco-Calamitous and Block

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Awww baby, don't make me pet you.
  2. i had no idea sir. it was well played. <3
  3. You didn't realize it was me? Haha. I guess I did a better job at disguising my posting style than I realized. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. I never watched that one. My friends did though. They were upset when the Adam Monroe character died.
  5. thanks for the WB, sir. And the condolences.
  6. Welcome back. And sorry to hear about your mother. I haven't really had any close relations die yet, so I can't relate to what you're going through, but I hope the best for you and your family. Cool that you write!
  7. Why, yes it is.
  8. I think a little of both, because I'm definitely back from the dead. And you totally fought Brock Samson.
  9. ...does that mean I'm going crazy? Or just that I took a level in badass?
  10. It's like your 21 and I'm 24 a ghost that only you can see.
  11. There is a distinct possibility, I think.
  12. I feel like I know you... from a previous life perhaps
  13. Back atcha, my friend.
  14. I completely agree with you, and I'd like to point out, not in a told you so manner, but I never said you had to agree with something to accept it, just respect the difference of opinion. Which in our case I completely respect your version of accepting and I feel like I could have derived at the same definition had my life been different. <3 you much for an awesome topic.
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