Conversation Between imapanther and Fate

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Its so advanced for being a PS2 game, taking the capabilities to the max with their graphics.
  2. FFXII is my favorite, too. ;]
  3. yeah, i haven't played too many of the FF games though, just 1, 2, 7 crisis core, 7 dirge of cerberus, 10, 12, and tactics, i'm kind of looking for something like 7, 8, or 9... well maybe ive played a couple but there are still more i want to play!
  4. Are you liking it so far? ;]
  5. ok, will do. =]
  6. You're welcome. =] Anyway, welcome to the forum. ;] If you have any questions, or if you need any help, feel free to ask me, all right?
  7. Oh thank you, that did help. =]
  8. If you don't mind, I can answer your question. The thing that says "Noobie" on your profile is your current rank, which will change depending on the number of posts that you have. If you want to see all the possible ranks, go here: ***Official Rank List***.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8